Set up your site
Change Favicon
Login as admin
Go to Settings->images
Upload your favicon
Change the project logo and default images
Go to your project and login as admin. In the settings page, you will be able to change the project logo and the default images for the menu items and the cover image in the restaurant menu.
Change email send by the system
If you go to this folder app/Notifications
There are list of PHP files that represent the content of the email And inside them, there is function called toMail
You can modify the strings there.
If you want to change the layout, ex, include some CSS for the email you can edit the blade file here resources/views/vendor/notifications/email.blade.php
Change the content of the front page
The landing page code is located in resources/views/poslanding. If you want to do structural changes you can edit those files there. In our updates, we try not to change these files as much as possible. But for just in case, make a backup of them when you have done your changes.
If you want to change the css, the best way to do that will be throught the option to add custom CSS inside Admin->Setting->CSS and JS. There you can define your own CSS and JS, so if we have an update on our CSS or JS doesn't discard your changes.
To modify the images, you can do that from Admin->Settings->Images.
To change the text, you can do that via the inline editing tool on the front page if you login as admin.
How to disable landing page
In your .env editor add new variable DISABLE_LANDING and set it to true. Then only the dashboard will be shown. In this case, best will be the project to be installed in the subdomain. ex and on you to run your own site. It can be any Wordpress or HTML site.
Last updated
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