Run local

Run local - Mamp,Xamp,Wamp

You can run the project in your local computer by using Mamp,Xamp or Wamp

Run local - Docker way

In Laravel 8, there is a new package available called

We use this to run the site locally and test it.

Step 1 - Install Docker

All you need is to install on your computer.

After that extract the code and open it in the Terminal / Command prompt

cd poslion
./vendor/bin/sail up

The first time you run this can take some time

Step 2 - Install via CMD

After sail is running, open a new terminal window and navigate to the project.


sail artisan migrate --fresh --seed

This will set up ( seed ) the database.

Then execute / run

cd storage
touch installed

This should create an empty file in storage folder, to let the system know that the project is installed. Then open the site on localhost.

You should see the site now

Login with the default credentials


Password: secret

Last updated

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