Custom fields on order

Since v2.2.1 you can add custom-defined fields to the order form.

Setting up the custom fields

The custom fields can be entered if you login as admin and then go to Site Setting. There go to the "Setup" tab and on the bottom, you will see the "Custom fields" section.

The custom fields are defined using JSON syntax. So make sure you have a valid JSON string.

Here is an example of custom fields. You can use this tool to create the JSON.

        "title": "Customer phone numner",
        "key": "customer_phone_number",
        "ftype": "input",
        "type": "phone",
        "placeholder": "Enter your phone"
        "title": "Customer email",
        "key": "customer_email",
        "ftype": "input",
        "type": "email",
        "value": ""
        "title": "Country",
        "key": "customer_country",
        "ftype": "select",
        "data": {
            "macedonia": "Macedonia",
            "usa": "United States of America"
        "title": "is this a gift",
        "key": "send_as_gift",
        "ftype": "bool",
        "value": true
        "title": "Custom note",
        "key": "custom_note",
        "ftype": "textarea"

In the example above, this will output 5 form fields in the order tab.

Custom Fields

Here is an explanation of the different fields use

Field key



Title - label on the fields


The unique identifier - use lowercase no space and no special characters


input, select, bool, textarea


When ftype is an input you can define input types


Placeholder for input


Predefined value


Used only in ftype=select. List of option for the select

Translation of the custom fields

You should add translation keys for these custom fields keys inside the translation menu. Add them to the "custom" group as shown on the image.

Last updated

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