Go to Database and then click on the button called "Create database"
After clicking on the button it should appear a window that will ask you about security rules. Click on the Start in test mode and after that click Enable.
But for production, this is a good starting point. This will allow edit and write to all registered users.
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read: if true;
allow write: if request.auth.uid != null;
Firebase Storage by default is not initialized. You will need to click on "Storage" and active the Firestorage Bucket.
After this, you should create a user in firebase for been able to login to your the app builder.
Go into firebase console and click on Authentication and after that click on Set up sign-in method
Click on Email/Password and enable them and click Save.
Now click on Users and now you should be able to click on Add user.
If you want to allow Google authentication, you have to do is to enable the Google Auth Provider as on the image below.
Next, scroll below and there you should add your authorized domain. Place where the Google Login will be performed.
To download service account JSON file go in console.firebase.com then in Project -> Project Settings - > Service Accounts and click on "Generate new private key"