v 13.5.0 - 22 February 2021
Fix for the new domain structure of firebase.
v 13.4.0
Updated mobile app
v 13.3.0 - 21 April 2020
App Producer on VPS fix
v 13.2.0 - 27 March 2020
Fix Builder: Send email to cloud only if cloud
Fix App: App Producer fix
v 13.1.0 - 11 March 2020
Fix: Bug fix for gifted chat on win os
Improvement: Square image accept only for image
v13.0.0 - 10 March 2020
Improvement: New app redesign based on Galio and Material Design RN Framework
Improvement: Super simple install on Netlify
Improvement: Simpler local setup
Removed: Firebase Cloud Functions
Added: Netlify Lambda functions
Removed: PayPal payments - will be added soon
Improvement: Easier and simple app coloring
Added: Direct email sending to admin
Removed: Automated android app production on PC
To update from previous release just follow the docs. If you already have access to our source code, make new pull. You can continue use your existing Firebase Database
Follow the link bellow, to see old change log.
Last updated